The California Subject Matter Project is partnering with 21CSLA in the Transitional Kindergarten Leadership Initiative. We are working to strengthen Universal Transitional Kindergarten programs in California by giving educational leaders the tools and strategies they need to provide developmentally, culturally and linguistically responsive early learning experiences. In the article, Brain developers, not babysitters: Learning from our early TK implementers, Rebecca Cheung and Aija Simmons explain what equity-focused leadership looks like as sites across the state prepare to implement transitional kindergarten programs:
Supporting implementation the California Subject Matter Project and 21CSLA are offering a professional development workshop, Envisioning and Leading Equitable UTK Classrooms throughout the State. Throughout the series, leaders develop the knowledge and understanding to support their role in leading for high-quality, developmentally appropriate, and equitable UTK programs. Learn more about the Universal Transitional Kindergarten Leadership Initiative and professional development opportunities by visiting the following link: